MaitriPeru - English

Since 2004 we have been working with children, youth and adults offering our workshops and therapeutic sessions. In this time we have carefully woven a network of skilled professionals, social institutions and communities in need. We have launched successful pilot-projects cultivating valuable relationships. Now the demands on our services have grown to such an extent that we are sending out a call for support to the international community.

Maitriperu - a dream became true

People of limited financial resources from both rural and urban areas take part in workshops and sessions of diverse therapies which allow them to develop internal resources that empower them. This strengthens their cultural heritage, self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-care, enabling them to better relate to themselves, others and the environment.

Maitriperu also offers art workshops that provide participants with opportunities to develop their artistic potential. This can generate individual and collective income which in turn supports and nurtures the artistic and therapeutic experience.

Therapists and healers from different areas share their knowledge and gifts with the people who attend Maitriperu, finding a space for the exchange and enrichment of various therapeutic approaches, methods and techniques, everyone benefiting from these experiences and intercultural processes.

Goals, Objectives and Activities

MaitriPeru is a civil association that seeks to optimize people’s quality of life, harmonizing physical and psychological aspects through the creation of individual and group therapies, within a perspective of growth and human development.

We offer our workshops and therapy services to diverse individual clients as well as public and private institutions in different areas of Peru and Latin America.

Since 2004 our work to support these communities has been made possible through the generosity of volunteers as well as therapists providing their services at minimal rates.

MaitriPeru is now seeking support from individuals and friendly institutions through international solidarity circles who actively participate. Volunteering, basic materials and donations are needed.

Through this initiative we are responding to the growing demand for therapeutic services within these communities. Developing resources and personal tools to better face the diverse problems, both personal and social, is of growing interest to these community members. Honoring their motivation to heal and consciously evolve is MaitriPeru’s main goal.

At present we are carrying out Community Services mostly in rural and urban areas of Cuzco and Lima. We are working with children, youth, teenage mothers and women at risk in cooperation with foster parents, teachers and health care workers.

Our services include: psycho-corporal therapies, psychotherapy, workshops in somatic education, art therapy and other healing techniques.

Maitriperu Committee

Flor Vásquez Miranda

Ada Castillo Babilón
Psicoterapeuta / Psychotherapist

Haydee Ruiz Cámere
Psicoterapeuta / Psychotherapist

Maitriperu Network

Programa Wawa Wasi –Ministerio de la Mujer y Desarrollo Social –MIMDES -Lima; Proyecto CRAEI- Ministerio de Educación de Perú-Lima; Aldea S.O.S Huaraz; Unidad de Gestión Educativa -UGEL Carhuaz-Ancash; Heifer Project Peru; Centro Bartolomé de las Casas-Cusco; Asociación Pasa la Voz-Cusco; Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social-Lima; Federación Nacional de Padres de Niños, Niñas y Jóvenes con Discapacidad-Huánuco; Generación de Innovaciones para el Desarrollo-Lima; Casa de Acogida Mantay - Cusco; Cáritas Cusco, Red educativa parroquial de Huaura-Lima; Rikchari Ayllu-Lamay, Cusco; escuelas de Pokes, Huama, Chumpe, Lamay -Cusco; Centro Yanapanakusun-Cusco; Promotoras Populares de Salud del Centro Nana Nagle, San Juan de Miraflores-Lima; Unidad de Gestión Educativa-UGEL Calca- Cusco; escuelas de comunidades campesinas y distritos de Cotabambas, Progreso, Coyllurqui – Apurímac; Casa de Milagros, Lamay- Cusco, Diaconía; Labor, Grufides; Canadian Lutheran World Relief;Noticias Aliadas; Urpichallay; Sepec; Benala; Fundación Compa y Red Latinoamericana de Arte para la Transformación Social -La Paz; Escuela de Formación de Docentes en Artes y Movimiento ADSIS- Buenos Aires.

Would you like to participate by volunteering, providing materials or making a financial contribution?
We need volunteers to:
- invite others to participate in Maitriperu’s circles of solidarity.
- raise awareness of our activities amongst individuals and groups.
- develop strategies for fundraising, promotion and accounting.
- organize the collecting of donated materials.
- research and contact potential supporters (private and institutional).
- offer their professional skills and therapies in sessions and workshops.

We need work materials:
- floor mats for workshops
- painting and drawing materials: pastel, oil and non toxic water colors, brushes, paper, etc.
- ceramic materials: potter’s wheel, electric or gas kiln, oxides, glazes, etc.

We need financial support to:
- provide individual therapy sessions for children, young people and adults in low-income urban and rural areas
- provide somatic education and art therapy workshops for people with limited financial resources in urban and rural
- provide art workshops, promoting indigenous culture and intercultural exchange with children and young people of the Sacred Valley. (e.g. drawing, painting, ceramics, masks, basket-making, sculpture, photography, music...)

If you are interested in supporting, or participating in any way please contact us.


MAITRI : Sanskrit, the development of a loving and compassionate attitude and acceptance towards oneself and others.

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